Take This for Consideration

Today I checked my "E"-mail (with the "E" standing for "Ethan"). Somewhere between the studio and the mailbox out front, I had an epiphany. For my readers who don't know what that is, an epiphany is defined as "a sudden, intuitive perception of or insight into the reality or essential meaning of something, usually initiated by some simple, homely, or commonplace occurrence or experience." My epiphany was simply amazing... a long-needed commonplace occurrence. But an epiphany in the life of Ethan Daniels is an epiphany for change, a way for "E"-mail and ideas to improve the livelihood of this much-loved podcast host. I tend to have "E"-piphanies a lot, usually when I least expect them and with such a sudden force that I can't help but love my life.

Yes, I've rounded the corner to a new temporary destination in life. I am about to embark on a journey I'll never forget. A journey that will earn me a learner's permit. Fellow Ceiling Fan fans, listeners, and devotees, the time has come for me to broaden my horizons and get out and see the world. Not a journey to myself, but a journey into a new improvement.

Get ready to see the world of Ethan Daniels. You may look in your rearview mirror and see my handsome face in the car behind you. Or you may be on the freeway and trying to get past that guy in the middle lane and see my beloved features.

This is going to be good. I'll keep you posted in the days ahead as I pursue my learner's permit.


Original Joe said...

You driving? The world just got a little more dangerous.

Unknown said...

I agree with OJ. Everyone stay off the roofs and sidewalks!!!!!

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